
http4k / org.http4k.filter / ClientFilters


object ClientFilters


Name Summary
BasicAuth object BasicAuth
BearerAuth object BearerAuth
Cookies object Cookies
CustomBasicAuth object CustomBasicAuth
FollowRedirects class FollowRedirects : Filter
ProxyBasicAuth object ProxyBasicAuth


Name Summary
AcceptGZip Support for GZipped responses from clients.fun AcceptGZip(compressionMode: GzipCompressionMode = Memory): Filter
ApiKeyAuth fun ApiKeyAuth(set: (Request) -> Request): Filter
CleanProxy This Filter is used to clean the Request and Response when proxying directly to another system. The purpose of this is to remove any routing metadata that we may have attached to it before sending it onwards.fun CleanProxy(): <ERROR CLASS>
GZip Basic GZip and Gunzip support of Request/Response. Only Gunzip responses when the response contains “transfer-encoding” header containing ‘gzip’fun GZip(compressionMode: GzipCompressionMode = Memory): Filter
RequestTracing Adds Zipkin request tracing headers to the outbound request. (traceid, spanid, parentspanid)fun RequestTracing(startReportFn: (Request, ZipkinTraces) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, endReportFn: (Request, Response, ZipkinTraces) -> Unit = { _, _, _ -> }): Filter
SetBaseUriFrom Sets the base uri (host + base path) on an outbound request. This is useful to separate configuration of remote endpoints from the logic required to construct the rest of the request.fun SetBaseUriFrom(uri: Uri): Filter
SetHostFrom Sets the host on an outbound request. This is useful to separate configuration of remote endpoints from the logic required to construct the rest of the request.fun SetHostFrom(uri: Uri): Filter
SetXForwardedHost Copy the Host header into the x-forwarded-host header of a request. Used when we are using proxies to divert traffic to another server.fun SetXForwardedHost(): <ERROR CLASS>

Extension Properties

Name Summary
MicrometerMetrics val ClientFilters.MicrometerMetrics: MicrometerMetrics
OpenTelemetryMetrics val ClientFilters.OpenTelemetryMetrics: OpenTelemetryMetrics

Extension Functions

Name Summary
AwsAuth Sign AWS requests using static credentials.fun ClientFilters.AwsAuth(scope: AwsCredentialScope, credentials: AwsCredentials, clock: Clock = Clock.systemDefaultZone(), payloadMode: Mode = Payload.Mode.Signed): <ERROR CLASS>
Sign AWS requests using dynamically provided (expiring) credentials.fun ClientFilters.AwsAuth(scope: AwsCredentialScope, credentialsProvider: () -> AwsCredentials, clock: Clock = Clock.systemDefaultZone(), payloadMode: Mode = Payload.Mode.Signed): <ERROR CLASS>
HandleRemoteRequestFailed Convert errors from remote calls into exceptions which can be handled at a higher level. Optionally pass in:fun ClientFilters.HandleRemoteRequestFailed(responseWasSuccessful: Response.() -> Boolean = { status.successful }, responseToMessage: Response.() -> String = Response::bodyString): <ERROR CLASS>
OpenTelemetryTracing fun ClientFilters.OpenTelemetryTracing(tracer: Tracer = Http4kOpenTelemetry.tracer, spanNamer: (Request) -> String = { it.uri.toString() }, error: (Request, Throwable) -> String = { _, t -> t.localizedMessage }): Filter
SetAwsServiceUrl fun ClientFilters.SetAwsServiceUrl(serviceName: String, region: String): Filter