
http4k / org.http4k.core / Filter


interface Filter : (HttpHandler) -> HttpHandler

Extension Functions

Name Summary
appliedWhen fun Behaviour.appliedWhen(trigger: Trigger): Stage
inIntelliJOnly fun Filter.inIntelliJOnly(): Filter
then fun Filter.then(next: Filter): Filter
fun Filter.then(next: HttpHandler): HttpHandler
fun Filter.then(routingHttpHandler: RoutingHttpHandler): RoutingHttpHandler
then fun Filter.then(appLoader: AppLoader): AppLoader
fun Filter.then(appLoader: AppLoaderWithContexts): <ERROR CLASS>

Companion Object Extension Properties

Name Summary
NoOp val Filter.Companion.NoOp: Filter


Name Summary
AuthRequestTrackingFilter class AuthRequestTrackingFilter : Filter
ChaosEngine The Chaos Engine controls the lifecycle of applying Chaotic behaviour to traffic, which is exposed as a standard Http4k Filter. Chaos can be programmatically updated and enabled/disabled. By default, the engine is deactivated, so activate() needs to be called to witness any change in behaviour,class ChaosEngine : Filter
ClientValidationFilter class ClientValidationFilter : Filter
OAuthRedirectionFilter class OAuthRedirectionFilter : Filter