
http4k / org.http4k.core / Filter


interface Filter : (HttpHandler) -> HttpHandler

Companion Object Functions

Name Summary
invoke operator fun invoke(fn: (HttpHandler) -> HttpHandler): Filter

Extension Functions

Name Summary
appliedWhen fun Behaviour.appliedWhen(trigger: Trigger): Stage
then fun Filter.then(next: Filter): Filter
fun Filter.then(next: HttpHandler): HttpHandler
fun Filter.then(routingHttpHandler: RoutingHttpHandler): RoutingHttpHandler
then fun Filter.then(appLoader: AppLoader): AppLoader
fun Filter.then(appLoader: AppLoaderWithContexts): AppLoaderWithContexts

Companion Object Extension Properties

Name Summary
NoOp val Filter.Companion.NoOp: Filter


Name Summary
AuthRequestTrackingFilter class AuthRequestTrackingFilter : Filter
ChaosEngine The Chaos Engine controls the lifecycle of applying Chaotic behaviour to traffic, which is exposed as a standard Http4k Filter. Chaos can be programmatically updated and enabled/disabled. By default, the engine is deactivated, so activate() needs to be called to witness any change in behaviour,class ChaosEngine : Filter
ClientValidationFilter class ClientValidationFilter : Filter
GenerateDataClasses This Filter is used to generate Data class definitions from a Response containing JSON. The Filter will try and reduce the number of class definitions by selecting the definition with the most fields (for cases where lists of items have different fields).class GenerateDataClasses<out NODE> : Filter
GenerateXmlDataClasses This Filter is used to generate Data class definitions from a Response containing XML. The Filter will try and reduce the number of class definitions by selecting the definition with the most fields (for cases where lists of items have different fields).class GenerateXmlDataClasses<NODE : Any> : Filter
OAuthRedirectionFilter class OAuthRedirectionFilter : Filter