
http4k / org.http4k.template

Package org.http4k.template

Common code relevant to templating implementations.


Name Summary
DustTemplates class DustTemplates : Templates
FreemarkerTemplates class FreemarkerTemplates : Templates
HandlebarsTemplates Handlebars templating support. Use the function in the constructor to configure the instance.class HandlebarsTemplates : Templates
Jade4jTemplates Jade4j templating support. Use the function in the constructor to configure the instance.class Jade4jTemplates : Templates
PebbleTemplates class PebbleTemplates : Templates
TemplateRenderer typealias TemplateRenderer = (ViewModel) -> String
Templates Supported template implementations for templating engine implementationsinterface Templates
ThymeleafTemplates class ThymeleafTemplates : Templates
ViewModel interface ViewModel


Name Summary
ViewNotFound data class ViewNotFound : RuntimeException

Extensions for External Classes

Name Summary

Companion Object Functions

Name Summary
viewModel fun Body.Companion.viewModel(renderer: TemplateRenderer, contentType: ContentType): <ERROR CLASS>
fun WsMessage.Companion.viewModel(renderer: TemplateRenderer): <ERROR CLASS>