
http4k / org.http4k.filter / CachingFilters / Response


object Response

These filters operate on Responses (post-flight)


Name Summary
AddETag Hash algo stolen from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26423662/scalatra-response-hmac-calulation By default, only applies when the status code of the response is < 400. This is overridable.object AddETag
FallbackCacheControl Applies the passed cache timings (Cache-Control, Expires, Vary) to responses, but only if they are not there already. Use this for adding default cache settings. By default, only applies when the status code of the response is < 400. This is overridable.object FallbackCacheControl
MaxAge By default, only applies when the status code of the response is < 400. This is overridable.object MaxAge
NoCache By default, only applies when the status code of the response is < 400. This is overridable and useful - For example you could combine this with a MaxAge for everything >= 400object NoCache