Reference: Chaos

Installation (Gradle)

dependencies {



The http4k Chaos module provides the facility to statically or dynamically inject failure modes into http4k applications, such as random HTTP failures, killing of processes, and extra latency injection. By modelling these modes, it is possible to plan for mitigation of particular scenarios on a wider scale, resulting either from failures within your system boundary, or those caused by dependent remote HTTP services.

The Principles of Chaos Engineering approach was made prominent by Netflix open-sourcing the Simian Army libraries.

API concepts

To understand the API, these domain-language concepts are important, all modelled as simple Kotlin typealiases and interfaces in order that API users can create their own:

Behaviours: typealias Behaviour = Filter

A Behaviour applies the failure mode to the HTTP call. This could involve blocking a thread permanently, introducing extra latency into an HTTP service, or even causing a Stack Overflow or Killing the running process.

Behaviour functionEffectas JSON
LatencyAdds random latency to a call between the min and max durations{"type":"latency","min":"PT0.1S","max":"PT0.3S"}
ThrowExceptionThrows an uncaught Exception with the supplied message{"type":"throw","message":"foo"}
ReturnStatusReturns an HTTP response with the specified HTTP status code{"type":"status","status":404}
NoBodyCompletes the call normally, but strips the body content from the response{"type":"body"}
EatMemoryForces an OOM exception{"type":"memory"}
KillProcessKills the Java process with a 1 error code{"type":"kill"}
StackOverflowGenerates a StackOverflow{"type":"overflow"}
BlockThreadPermanently blocks the request thread{"type":"block"}
NoneRequests complete normally{"type":"none"}

Triggers: typealias Trigger = (req: Request) -> Boolean

A Trigger is just a predicate which determines if an HTTP call should have an Behaviour applied to it. Triggers can be stateless, based on the request content, or stateful - deadlines or countdowns.

Trigger functionActivation conditionas JSON
DeadlineAfter an instant in time{"type":"deadline","endTime":"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
DelayAfter a specified period (since construction){"type":"delay","period":"PT0.1S"}
CountdownFor the first n requests only{"type":"countdown","count":"1"}
RequestIf the request meets the criteria set out in the specification. All but method are Regex patterns, and all are optional{"type":"request","method":"get","path":".*bob","queries":{"query":".*query"},"headers":{"header":".*header"},"body":".*body"}
OnceFor the first request only{"type":"once"}
PercentageBasedApplies to a certain (randomly decided) percentage of requests{"type":"percentage", "percentage":100}
AlwaysFor all requests{"type":"always"}

Stages: interface Stage: (Request) -> Filter?

A Stage provides the lifecycle for applying a behaviour, and applies until a Trigger indicates that the stage is complete. Stages can be chained with then(), or can be produced by combining a Behaviour and a Trigger using appliedWhen().

Stage functionLifecycle notesas JSON
WaitDoes nothing while active{"type":"wait","until":<insert trigger json>}
RepeatLoops through the stages and then repeats{"type":"repeat","stages":[<insert stage json elements>],"until":<insert trigger json>}
(Triggered)Combines a Trigger and a Behaviour{"type":"trigger","behaviour":{"type":"body"},"trigger":<insert trigger json>,"until":<insert trigger json>}}

Manually injecting Chaos

For use in automated test suites, it is simple to define the Chaos behaviour programmatically using the API and then use the ChaosEngine to add it onto an existing application.


package content.ecosystem.http4k.reference.chaos

import org.http4k.chaos.ChaosBehaviours.ReturnStatus
import org.http4k.chaos.ChaosEngine
import org.http4k.chaos.ChaosStages.Wait
import org.http4k.chaos.ChaosTriggers.PercentageBased
import org.http4k.chaos.appliedWhen
import org.http4k.chaos.then
import org.http4k.chaos.until
import org.http4k.client.OkHttp
import org.http4k.core.HttpHandler
import org.http4k.core.Method
import org.http4k.core.Method.GET
import org.http4k.core.Method.POST
import org.http4k.core.Request
import org.http4k.core.Response
import org.http4k.core.Status.Companion.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
import org.http4k.core.Status.Companion.OK
import org.http4k.core.then
import org.http4k.server.SunHttp
import org.http4k.server.asServer

val client = OkHttp()

fun main() {

    // chaos is split into "stages", which can be triggered by specific request or time-based criteria
    val doNothingStage = Wait.until { tx: Request -> tx.method == POST }
    val errorStage = ReturnStatus(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).appliedWhen(PercentageBased(50))

    // chain the stages together with then() and create the Chaos Engine (activated)
    val engine = ChaosEngine(doNothingStage.then(errorStage)).enable()

    val svc: HttpHandler = { Response(OK).body("A normal response") }
    engine.then(svc).asServer(SunHttp(9000)).start().use {
        repeat(10) { performA(GET) }

        // this triggers the change in behaviour

        repeat(10) { performA(GET) }

        // disable the chaos

        repeat(10) { performA(GET) }

fun performA(method: Method) =
    println( + " got a " + client(Request(method, "http://localhost:9000")).status)

Dynamic behaviour injection using Chaos Controls

For use in deployed environments or when experimenting with the reaction of systems to failure, there is the need to vary (and otherwise control) the Chaos behaviour that an application or downstream fake exhibits, in order to simulate periods of failures and then observe the after-effects.

The module contains a simple extension method HttpHandler.withChaosEngine() that decorates an existing http4k application with the ability to dynamically inject Chaos behaviour using a set of RPC-style endpoints. This API is presented via an OpenAPI specification, which allows it to be controlled by a simple OpenApi client.

Apart from being able to turn the Chaos on/off and check the status, the most powerful endpoint in ChaosEngine lives at /activate/new. By POSTing a JSON definition of the required behaviour, this JSON is deserialised into actual Chaos behaviours which can be then activated in the application. The supported JSON formats of the various Chaos concepts are defined above, but by way of an example, POSTing this piece of JSON would:

  1. Wait for 100 seconds
  2. Always return an HTTP 404 (Not Found) status for 10 requests
  3. Repeat the above until Big Ben strikes in the New Year 2020.
    "type": "repeat",
    "stages": [
        "type": "wait",
        "until": {
          "type": "delay",
          "period": "PT100S"
        "type": "trigger",
        "behaviour": {
          "type": "status",
          "status": 404
        "trigger": {
          "type": "always"
        "until": {
          "type": "countdown",
          "count": "10"
    "until": {
      "type": "deadline",
      "endTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"


package content.ecosystem.http4k.reference.chaos

import org.http4k.chaos.withChaosApi
import org.http4k.core.Response
import org.http4k.core.Status.Companion.OK
import org.http4k.core.then
import org.http4k.filter.CorsPolicy.Companion.UnsafeGlobalPermissive
import org.http4k.filter.ServerFilters
import org.http4k.filter.ServerFilters.Cors
import org.http4k.server.SunHttp
import org.http4k.server.asServer

fun main() {
        .then { Response(OK).body("A normal response") }
        .also { println("Visit the app at http://localhost:9000 or see the OpenApi at") }

Interacting with ChaosEngine using an HTTP client


package content.ecosystem.http4k.reference.chaos

import org.http4k.chaos.ChaosBehaviours.ReturnStatus
import org.http4k.chaos.ChaosEngine
import org.http4k.chaos.withChaosApi
import org.http4k.core.Method.GET
import org.http4k.core.Method.POST
import org.http4k.core.Request
import org.http4k.core.Response
import org.http4k.core.Status.Companion.NOT_FOUND
import org.http4k.core.Status.Companion.OK
import org.http4k.routing.bind
import org.http4k.routing.routes

fun main() {
    val app = routes("/" bind routes("/" bind GET to { Response(OK).body("hello!") }))

    val appWithChaos = app.withChaosApi(ChaosEngine(ReturnStatus(NOT_FOUND)))

    println(">>chaos is deactivated by default")
    println(appWithChaos(Request(GET, "/chaos/status")).bodyString())
    println(appWithChaos(Request(GET, "/")).status)

    println(">>activate the default chaos")
    println(appWithChaos(Request(POST, "/chaos/activate")).bodyString())
    println(appWithChaos(Request(GET, "/")).status)

    println(">>deactivate the default chaos")
    println(appWithChaos(Request(POST, "/chaos/deactivate")).bodyString())
    println(appWithChaos(Request(GET, "/")).status)

    println(">>set the chaos dynamically")
    val alwaysReturn418 = """[
          "type": "trigger",
          "behaviour": {
            "type": "status",
            "status": 418
          "trigger": {
            "type": "always"
    println(appWithChaos(Request(GET, "/")).status)