
http4k / org.http4k.filter / ServerFilters / GZipContentTypes


class GZipContentTypes : Filter

Basic GZip and Gunzip support of Request/Response where the content-type is in the allowed list. Only Gunzips requests which contain “transfer-encoding” header containing ‘gzip’ Only Gzips responses when request contains “accept-encoding” header containing ‘gzip’ and the content-type (sans-charset) is one of the compressible types.


Name Summary
<init> Basic GZip and Gunzip support of Request/Response where the content-type is in the allowed list. Only Gunzips requests which contain “transfer-encoding” header containing ‘gzip’ Only Gzips responses when request contains “accept-encoding” header containing ‘gzip’ and the content-type (sans-charset) is one of the compressible types.GZipContentTypes(compressibleContentTypes: Set<ContentType>, compressionMode: GzipCompressionMode = Memory)


Name Summary
invoke fun invoke(next: HttpHandler): <ERROR CLASS>