
http4k / org.http4k.filter / ServerFilters


object ServerFilters


Name Summary
ApiKeyAuth ApiKey token checking.object ApiKeyAuth
BasicAuth Simple Basic Auth credential checking.object BasicAuth
BearerAuth Bearer Auth token checking.object BearerAuth
CatchAll Last gasp filter which catches all exceptions and returns a formatted Internal Server Error.object CatchAll
CatchLensFailure Converts Lens extraction failures into correct HTTP responses (Bad Requests/UnsupportedMediaType). This is required when using lenses to automatically unmarshall inbound requests. Note that LensFailures from unmarshalling upstream Response objects are NOT caught to avoid incorrect server behaviour.object CatchLensFailure : Filter
CopyHeaders Copy headers from the incoming request to the outbound response.object CopyHeaders
Cors Add Cors headers to the Response, according to the passed CorsPolicyobject Cors
GZip Basic GZip and Gunzip support of Request/Response. Only Gunzips requests which contain “transfer-encoding” header containing ‘gzip’ Only Gzips responses when request contains “accept-encoding” header containing ‘gzip’.object GZip
GZipContentTypes Basic GZip and Gunzip support of Request/Response where the content-type is in the allowed list. Only Gunzips requests which contain “transfer-encoding” header containing ‘gzip’ Only Gzips responses when request contains “accept-encoding” header containing ‘gzip’ and the content-type (sans-charset) is one of the compressible types.class GZipContentTypes : Filter
InitialiseRequestContext Initialise a RequestContext for each request which passes through the Filter stack,object InitialiseRequestContext
ReplaceResponseContentsWithStaticFile Intercepts responses and replaces the contents with contents of the statically loaded resource. By default, this Filter replaces the contents of unsuccessful requests with the contents of a file named after the status code.object ReplaceResponseContentsWithStaticFile
RequestTracing Adds Zipkin request tracing headers to the incoming request and outbound response. (traceid, spanid, parentspanid)object RequestTracing
SetContentType Sets the Content Type response header on the Response.object SetContentType


| Name | Summary | |—|—| | CatchLensFailure | Converts Lens extraction failures into correct HTTP responses (Bad Requests/UnsupportedMediaType). This is required when using lenses to automatically unmarshall inbound requests. Note that LensFailures from unmarshalling upstream Response objects are NOT caught to avoid incorrect server behaviour.fun CatchLensFailure(failResponseFn: (LensFailure) -> Response = { Response(BAD_REQUEST.description(it.failures.joinToString("; "))) }): <ERROR CLASS> |

Extension Properties

Name Summary
MicrometerMetrics val ServerFilters.MicrometerMetrics: MicrometerMetrics
OpenTelemetryMetrics val ServerFilters.OpenTelemetryMetrics: OpenTelemetryMetrics

Extension Functions

Name Summary
HandleRemoteRequestFailed Handle exceptions from remote calls and convert them into sensible server-side errors. Optionally pass in a function to format the response body from the exception.fun ServerFilters.HandleRemoteRequestFailed(exceptionToBody: RemoteRequestFailed.() -> String = Throwable::getLocalizedMessage): Filter
OpenTelemetryTracing fun ServerFilters.OpenTelemetryTracing(tracer: Tracer = Http4kOpenTelemetry.tracer, spanNamer: (Request) -> String = { it.uri.toString() }, error: (Request, Throwable) -> String = { _, t -> t.localizedMessage }): Filter
ProcessFiles Process files on upload using the passed consumer, which returns a reference. The form file is replaced in the form with this reference.fun ServerFilters.ProcessFiles(fileConsumer: (File) -> String): <ERROR CLASS>