
http4k / org.http4k.core / BodyMode


sealed class BodyMode : (InputStream) -> Body

BodyMode represents a choice between working lazily with streams or eagerly storing the body contents in memory.

This choice comes with the following trade-offs:

Memory does not require any special treatment. However, you need to be confident that the sum of all “in-flight” body bytes does not exceed your JVM heap. Otherwise, you’ll run into `OutOfMemoryException’s.

Stream, on the other hand, allows you to handle payloads of any size, but you’ll need to make sure that:

  1. You’re consuming it only once and at the right place (harder to add “debugging” filters too).
  2. It’s always consumed, or close() is called appropriately.


Name Summary
Memory object Memory : BodyMode
Stream object Stream : BodyMode