
http4k / org.http4k.contract.security / Security


interface Security

Endpoint security. Provides filter to be applied to endpoints for all requests.


Name Summary
filter abstract val filter: Filter

Extension Functions

Name Summary
and fun Security.and(that: Security): Security
or fun Security.or(that: Security): Security


Name Summary
ApiKeySecurity Checks the presence of the named Api Key parameter. Filter returns 401 if Api-Key is not found in request.class ApiKeySecurity<out T> : Security
BasicAuthSecurity Checks the presence of basic auth credentials. Filter returns 401 if auth fails.class BasicAuthSecurity : Security
BearerAuthSecurity Checks the presence of bearer auth credentials. Filter returns 401 if auth fails.class BearerAuthSecurity : Security
NoSecurity Default NoOp security filter. Filter allows all traffic through.object NoSecurity : Security
OAuthSecurity sealed class OAuthSecurity : Security